Two objectives: A Municipal Library up to Standards and the Preservation of the Roussell House

Brownsburg-Chatham, Québec, Canada
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About Us

We are a non-partisan coalition of citizens of Brownsburg-Chatham, who have at heart the fate of our library and our architectural heritage. We believe that the library should be relocated to a bigger house, better equipped and be endowed with sufficient human resources to meet the needs of the population. The Roussell house (Principale/des Érables) is one of the last heritage building of interest to be located downtown.

The coalition has acknowledged the lack of support among the population for the relocalisation of the library in the Russell house. We now consider them as two separate files.

Luc Bélisle, Hélène Boivin, Michel Brisson, Jean Careau, Gilles Desforges, Cynthia Dubé, Anik Ferland, Pierre Gagnon, François Jobin, Sophie LaRoche, Diane Leduc, Mylène Mondou, Gilbert Poupart, Maurice Rochon, Claire Thivierge, Kathleen Wilson.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Meeting Experts and Library Committee

This Thursday, August 19 will be held a meeting with those we have called our experts. Seeing how little interest the public shows towards the project of moving the library into the Roussell house, the coalition has said: So then what would be the ideal library for the city of Brownsburg-Chatham? Seeing how time flies and wanting to benefit from the experience of credible people, the coalition has offered the City a meeting with experts in the field.

Mr. Mayor Dinel accepted. He will therefore be present as well as Madame Paule Clotteau Blain, designated representative for the library within the council. Unfortunately, we cannot benefit from the presence of other city council members. The General Manager and Treasurer René Lachance will also be present, as well as Nathalie Lafleur, a citizen of Brownsburg-Chatham who has long been concerned by this issue. Coalition members who will be present are François Jobin and Cynthia Dubé.

Experts consulted:

  • Jean-Marc Parent, the Ministry of Culture and Communications;
  • Catherine Lapointe, cultural development at the MRC of Argenteuil;
  • JoAnne Turnbull, CEO Réseau BIBLIO des Laurentides, and
  • Brigitte Bowen, employee responsible for the Library of Brownsburg-Chatham.

Subsequently, a library committee formed by the city will work in collaboration with the Réseau BIBLIO des Laurentides in order to elaborate a development plan. Will be a member of said committee: Nathalie Lafleur, citizen, and Cynthia Dubé, representative of the coalition We Deserve Better.

We sincerely hope that this will help the future of the library, for the good of the whole population on the territory. Let's recall that at our first meeting with the City Council December 16, 2009, it was said that a library project would be put forth in a horizon of 1 or 2 years.

Regarding the Roussell house, the coalition now considers the fate of the latter as a second problem. A vocation has still not been found. At the last City Council meeting held August 2, 2010, the building was put on sale. Will the heritage value of the building will be preserved? We are entitled to ask the question.

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