Two objectives: A Municipal Library up to Standards and the Preservation of the Roussell House

Brownsburg-Chatham, Québec, Canada
We are using Google Translate to adapt the blog from the French version. As we are volunteers, we'll try as best we can to edit the texts so they are comprehensible. Thank you for your understanding.

About Us

We are a non-partisan coalition of citizens of Brownsburg-Chatham, who have at heart the fate of our library and our architectural heritage. We believe that the library should be relocated to a bigger house, better equipped and be endowed with sufficient human resources to meet the needs of the population. The Roussell house (Principale/des Érables) is one of the last heritage building of interest to be located downtown.

The coalition has acknowledged the lack of support among the population for the relocalisation of the library in the Russell house. We now consider them as two separate files.

Luc Bélisle, Hélène Boivin, Michel Brisson, Jean Careau, Gilles Desforges, Cynthia Dubé, Anik Ferland, Pierre Gagnon, François Jobin, Sophie LaRoche, Diane Leduc, Mylène Mondou, Gilbert Poupart, Maurice Rochon, Claire Thivierge, Kathleen Wilson.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Follow Up on Experts Meeting

The expert meeting as previously announced has therefore been held last Thursday. The ensuing discussion was rich with complementary perspectives and valuable information.

A clear message has been articulated in relation to recent cuts in the purchase of books. These cuts have really hurt and users feel it. The question was posed to the mayor Dinel whether it was possible to reverse this decision and he has not closed the door to such an eventuality.

It also emerged that the Ministry of Culture has a lot of grant applications for new libraries and the funds will be limited before 2013. If Brownsburg-Chatham wants to benefit from them, it must submit a strong proposal, and soon, especially advocating the need for people to make its candidacy a priority.

Mayor Dinel reiterated the lack of budgets. We hope the council find a way to adjust so as not to deprive the people of this essential service. The opening of the City to form the clibrary ommittee allows us to keep hope. We will continue to argue the benefits of library service.

The first meeting of this committee will be held in early October 2010. At that time, Réseau BIBLIO des Laurentides will present the first draft of the development plan. We will keep you informed of developments.

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