Two objectives: A Municipal Library up to Standards and the Preservation of the Roussell House

Brownsburg-Chatham, Québec, Canada
We are using Google Translate to adapt the blog from the French version. As we are volunteers, we'll try as best we can to edit the texts so they are comprehensible. Thank you for your understanding.

About Us

We are a non-partisan coalition of citizens of Brownsburg-Chatham, who have at heart the fate of our library and our architectural heritage. We believe that the library should be relocated to a bigger house, better equipped and be endowed with sufficient human resources to meet the needs of the population. The Roussell house (Principale/des Érables) is one of the last heritage building of interest to be located downtown.

The coalition has acknowledged the lack of support among the population for the relocalisation of the library in the Russell house. We now consider them as two separate files.

Luc Bélisle, Hélène Boivin, Michel Brisson, Jean Careau, Gilles Desforges, Cynthia Dubé, Anik Ferland, Pierre Gagnon, François Jobin, Sophie LaRoche, Diane Leduc, Mylène Mondou, Gilbert Poupart, Maurice Rochon, Claire Thivierge, Kathleen Wilson.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Semaine des bibliothèques publiques

It's October 16 to 23 across Quebec.

Why not take the opportunity to subscribe? There is even a contest for young people! (In French)

The national competition: It's really not complicated, all you need is to be 12 and over and subscribe between 1 and October 31. Thus, one can enter the contest online: iPod touch, video games, gift cards of $ 500 to spend in the Renaud-Bray and more are within reach of the new subscriber. Good luck!
And, yes, there are not many books in the library of Brownsburg-Chatham. It's small. There are not many places to sit. We know all of that. That's why we demand better! Please be aware that there is what is called pruning. Employees take out books to bring in new ones. Go for a ride. Enjoy the good service. Show that we want a better library, because we deserve it!

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