After the meeting of experts proposed by the coalition, the library committee formed by the City, including myself as a citizen and member of the coalition, met on Monday, October 4, 2010.
We identified the strengths and weaknesses of the current library with the help of Réseau BIBLIO des Laurentides. Two key findings emerged:
1) The library suffers from a lack of communication with its citizens, who do not know it sufficiently, when they know it.
2) The library must be at the city center to ensure the greatest possible visibility and at the same time can be a leverage to revitalize the downtown.
Those are the main conclusions of the committee. Some recommendations have already been put forward. The next meeting will focus specifically on what would be the most appropriate infrastructure.
Personally, I come to a further conclusion. Obviously, the city council and the mayor still need to hear the citizen's voice on the need to have a library here in Brownsburg-Chatham. If you read this and you are reassured to know that there is a coalition to advocate for the library in Brownsburg-Chatham, know that it is not enough. We must understand that for every action we do, there are opponents to our ideas who assert their views. If you do not want the coalition to be considered as representing a minority view, you must also express yourselves, either through us, at council meetings or by letter to City Hall.
I wish the same opportunity to thank all those who have already spoken, no matter how. We must make our point of view, if we leave to others the chance to advance their ideas. Encourage your family and friends to stay informed and to express themselves. It is the quality of our environment.
The cynicism is fashionable, and it saddens me. I suggest you a link to an interview with
Julie Bélanger of Génération d'idées, a group of refreshing young people!
We will need you soon. Looking forward to hearing from you!
Cynthia Dubé