Two objectives: A Municipal Library up to Standards and the Preservation of the Roussell House

Brownsburg-Chatham, Québec, Canada
We are using Google Translate to adapt the blog from the French version. As we are volunteers, we'll try as best we can to edit the texts so they are comprehensible. Thank you for your understanding.

About Us

We are a non-partisan coalition of citizens of Brownsburg-Chatham, who have at heart the fate of our library and our architectural heritage. We believe that the library should be relocated to a bigger house, better equipped and be endowed with sufficient human resources to meet the needs of the population. The Roussell house (Principale/des Érables) is one of the last heritage building of interest to be located downtown.

The coalition has acknowledged the lack of support among the population for the relocalisation of the library in the Russell house. We now consider them as two separate files.

Luc Bélisle, Hélène Boivin, Michel Brisson, Jean Careau, Gilles Desforges, Cynthia Dubé, Anik Ferland, Pierre Gagnon, François Jobin, Sophie LaRoche, Diane Leduc, Mylène Mondou, Gilbert Poupart, Maurice Rochon, Claire Thivierge, Kathleen Wilson.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Les choses ne se font jamais facilement dans le domaine culturel, ce n'est jamais considéré comme essentiel. On en revient à ce que disait Lapalme : les bouts de route et les ponceaux l'emportent toujours sur les affaires culturelles.
Lise Bissonnette
in L'Actualité, « Le flambeau aux jeunes », by Roch Côté, July 9th, 2010 (link is doomed to disappear some day)

In the long run, men hit only what they aim at. Therefore, though they should fail immediately, they had better aim at something high.

Henry David Thoreau

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Grande Bibliothèque in L'Actualité

To read (in French) a series in L'Actualité about the Grande Bibliothèque of Montréal to mark its 5 years of existence. The archives of the magazaine is available on the Internet for a limited time. You will find among others a gide to 5 hidden treasures of the website of BAnQ.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Heritage Highlighted

Municipalities and regions in the province of Québec are more and more valuing and highlighting their heritage to attract tourists. Here are some examples:

Tourisme patrimonial du Bas-Saint-Laurent (in French)
Circuit du patrimoine religieux de l'île d'Orléans (the site has an English version but the brochure on religious heritage in pdf format can be seen on the French version)
La Sarre City (population 7336 in 2006 according to Statistics Canada)

Friday, July 2, 2010

New Libraries

We made ourselves quieter lately. During that time, new projects were announced in Québec. Among others: new libraries in Saint-Isidore (population 2503 in 2006, according to Statistics Canada) and La Minerve (population 1295 in 2006, according to Statistics Canada) to meet the growing needs of their populations.